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[ 发布日期:2023-01-07 15:10:28 ]    来源:永保机械    浏览:341次

In order to really ensure the effectiveness of the cooling system loader Shandong good in the summer before, to deal with the various components of the cooling system for a thorough cleaning, tightening and lubrication, cooling system

as much as possible to clean up the scale (including scale clean the radiator) to improve the cooling efficiency, cooling systems to maintain and accelerate the flow of cooling water circulation.

Check Shandong loader pump a fan belt, a belt after long-term use, the belt will produce fatigue, deformation, reduce the cooling effect, belt replacement, pay attention to the type and length, and properly adjust the tightness.

Check the hose connection Shandong loader tank, oil tank hose rather poor, easy early damage, thus affecting the water supply, causing the engine temperature rises too high. Check for cracks and water leakage, should be promptly

removed, while maintaining a sufficient amount of cooling water was found to be insufficient time to add.

Before the summer, we have targeted various parts of Shandong loader lubrication system to do a performance test, so the oil pressure gauge, pressure gauge accurate transmission. Gearbox, pitch and drive axle oil within a system of

inspection, from the quality of the oil to the amount of oil, and to keep the oil clean.

To ensure proper use of Shandong loader, should always pay attention to the readings of water temperature, when reached more than 90 ° must be taken. Choose the nearest parking shade and cool at idle, be careful not to turn off

immediately to prevent overheating and cause internal engine pull tanks and other accidents. After the temperature down, you should also check the fan belt tension.

Traffic in the summer, Shandong loader tire is about 14 layers thick layers, and large tires compared to heat faster, it is prone to overheating of the tire, the internal pressure increased, prompting the physical properties of rubber tires fall that caused a puncture . If found tire pressure, tire temperature is too high, it should be parked in the shade to cool and then continue driving.

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