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[ 发布日期:2023-01-07 15:10:28 ]    来源:永保机械    浏览:313次

Shandong loader circuit failure in performance under the protection of a fuse or automatic switch intact, the electrical circuit switch, the electrical equipment is not working. The cause of the malfunction is kind Shandong loader circuit plug loose, fall off or have oil, switch contact oxidation or failure, wire break or grounding wire grounding is not true.

So usually Shandong loaders test lamp spot-checking, in order to facilitate memory, Shandong loader inspection methods are summarized as follows: check circuit, lights in parallel; some take the body, connected at one end-point; the main switch is turned on, point by point to check line ; lights circuit pass, off circuit breaker; looking after the lights, off the investigation forward; between the light and does not shine, is the breaking point.

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联系人:周经理    手 机:139-6410-8518     电 话:0531-84917777

地 址:山东济南市商河县怀仁镇工业园

备案号:鲁ICP备14006215号-1    技术支持:亘安信息
