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[ 发布日期:2023-01-07 15:10:28 ]    来源:永保机械    浏览:431次


Check the water level of the water tank of the loader, the engine off, and wait for the engine and the water tank to check, check the water level of the sub tank, under normal  circumstances, do not open the tank cover.

If the loader does not have an auxiliary water tank, the water tank cover must be removed and the following operation instructions must be followed.

Check the water level of the loader water tank to check the water level, the handle near the engine and the water tank to check the ambient air temperature, can not directly contact the  engine and the water tank.

Loosen the water tank cap of the loader to release the water pressure, and then take off the lid of the water tank.

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联系人:周经理    手 机:139-6410-8518     电 话:0531-84917777

地 址:山东济南市商河县怀仁镇工业园

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