[ 发布日期:2023-01-07 15:10:28 ] 来源:永保机械 浏览:487次
1、装载机发动前要检查发动机的油量,水量是否加足。并将各操作杆放在空档位置,经检查合格再发动机 器低速运转,同时检查各种仪表是否正常。
Front loader launched to check the engine oil, whether to add a little water. And each operation lever on the neutral position, and then pass through the check engine is running at low speed, while a variety of instruments to check whether it is normal.
2、 坚持例行保养,机械经常保持完好,机件失灵,必须检修好,在机械运转中,禁止进行清洁、紧固、润滑、调整等各项工作。
Adhere to routine maintenance, mechanical keep intact, malfunction, must overhaul good mechanical operation, prohibited work cleaning, tightening, lubrication and adjustments.
3、 装载机在开车前,注意检查周围是否有障碍物和危险物,对工作地段有影响施工的障碍物等必须事先清除后再进行工作,酒后禁止开车。
Loader before driving, pay attention to check whether there are obstacles and dangerous objects around, lots of influential work of construction obstacles must be cleared in advance before work, drunk driving is prohibited.
4、 操作机械时,司机必须精力集中,不准吸烟和与他人玩笑打闹,身体有病(有医生证明者),不要勉强操作,严禁非司机开车。
When operating machinery, drivers must concentrate, no smoking and slapstick jokes with others, physical illness (medical certificate), with not reluctantly operation, the driver drove strictly prohibited.
5、 装载机在公路上行驶,要严格遵守交管部门颁发的有关交通规则、法令。中速行驶,安全礼让,下坡时, 禁止空档滑行。
Loader on the highway, the traffic control department to strictly abide by the traffic rules issued decrees. Moderate speed, safety comity, downhill, coasting in neutral prohibited.
6、 在土质坚硬情况下,装载机不准强行推铲,以免损坏机件,必须选用其它机械翻松后,再用装载机工作。
In the case of hard soil, shovel loaders are not allowed to forcibly push to avoid damage to parts, other machinery must be selected after scarifying, then the loader work.
7、 严格执行保养规程,每次工作完要将机械擦拭干净,检查各部位紧固、润滑、调整情况。
Strictly enforce the maintenance order, complete each job you want to wipe machinery clean, inspect all parts of the fastening, lubrication, adjustments.
8、 每工作200-250小时进行一次一级保养,检查调整各部间隙,紧固各部轴承,更换机油。
200-250 hours per work once a maintenance check and adjust the gap ministries, ministries fastening bearings, replace the oil.
9、 每次工作下班时,应将机械开到安全地段,不准停在坑洼流水处,要做好运转记录,关闭门窗加锁后, 司机方可离岗(冬季还应将机体和小箱内存水放净,以防冻缸)。
Each time commuting to work, to a safe location should be mechanical, potholes are not allowed to stop at the water department, to do work record, close the doors and windows locked, the driver only undergo (winter should be the body and casket memory The net release of water to antifreeze tank).