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[ 发布日期:2023-01-07 15:10:28 ]    来源:永保机械    浏览:505次


Will carry mobile arm drop to the bottom, then start the engine, boom lever is arranged in the lowered position, increase the throttle to loosen the boom cylinder cavity interface oil can be judged cavity seal is good or bad.

If the load machine cavity interface leakage more, then the cylinder seal sealing oil seal is bad or damaged; if undo interface does not leak oil can leak rarely, the boom cylinder cavity seal sealing performance is better.

Loading a big cavity of the machine oil seal is damaged, it will cause rising boom automatically whereabouts, the judgment method and the cavity seal judging method instead.


Copyright © 2023-2029 山东永保装载机械  版权所有

联系人:周经理    手 机:139-6410-8518     电 话:0531-84917777

地 址:山东济南市商河县怀仁镇工业园

备案号:鲁ICP备14006215号-1    技术支持:亘安信息
