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[ 发布日期:2023-01-07 15:10:28 ]    来源:永保机械    浏览:311次

Shandong loader in materials handling, often due to material adhesion in the bucket bottom is difficult to unload clean, even the more viscous more. When the Shandong loader of the large amount of work, if we do not adhesion material knock off, will reduce the total bucket loading and unloading and increase in power consumption and use cost, affecting the user economic benefits. In order to adhesion material knock off, the operator needs to handle to turn the bucket cylinder, quick action (i.e., Fast Flip Bucket), make bucket bottom limit block a quick hit boom stringer, point to produce strong vibration off within the bucket bottom adhesion material, the operation of the process called "bucket" knock.

If Shandong loader knock bucket with excessive force, vibration is too strong, it will not only enable loader components related to early damage, can also cause operator discomfort; if the force is too small, vibration is too weak,adhesion in the bucket bottom material is not easy to be a strikeout, effects of loading machine industry and trade efficiency, to knock a bucket should be to achieve the removal of adhesion in the bucket bottom material required effort as the standard, to prevent knock when the fighting force is too large or too small.

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联系人:周经理    手 机:139-6410-8518     电 话:0531-84917777

地 址:山东济南市商河县怀仁镇工业园

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