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[ 发布日期:2023-01-07 15:10:28 ]    来源:永保机械    浏览:919次

The main reason that the hydraulic oil tank of the hydraulic oil tank in Shandong is the oil is a large number of bubbles in the oil liquid, so that the compressibility of the oil can be increased. Because of the oil liquid flows back to the tank, from the high pressure suddenly drop for low voltage, mixed with oil in the air in the tank in the rapid expansion of, the tank pressure higher than atmospheric pressure, oil pooling air together from the tank vent discharge,the formation of the phenomenon of injection. When the fuel injection phenomenon occurs in Shandong loader, it should be focused on checking the sealing performance of the oil tank to the working pump or the steering pump line, and whether the pump itself is leaking.

Shandong loader in the oil return path, usually equipped with oil filter, if expulsion of oil filter may also appear the phenomenon of oil injection, ejected from the injection phenomena in oil, foam is not much. This is working hydraulic system mixed with air, and difference.

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