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[ 发布日期:2023-01-07 15:10:28 ]    来源:永保机械    浏览:220次

我们都知道夏天的气温特别的高,在夏天有些装载机的使用就要更加注意了,下面我们一起来看看夏天山东装载机使用注意事项.We all know that the summer temperatures are particularly high, in the summer, the use of some loaders to pay more attention to the following we take a look at the summer of Shandong loader use precautions

1.检查皮带,装载机皮带经长期使用后,皮带会产生疲劳变形,降低冷却效果.要注意型号和长度,并正确调整其松紧度.Check the belt, the belt after the long-term use of the belt, the belt will produce fatigue deformation, reduce cooling effect.

2.要时刻注意山东装载机水温表的读数,如果达到一定的温度可以选择阴凉处停车并以怠速降温,注意不要即刻熄火,以防止发动机内部过热而造成拉缸等事故.We must always pay attention to the Shandong loader water temperature meter readings, if it reaches a certain temperature can choose the shade and parking to idle cooling, do not immediately flameout, to prevent overheating inside the engine cylinder caused by the accident.

3.对装载机冷却系统的各个部件进行彻底的清理,紧固和润滑尽可能的清理冷却系统水垢,保持冷却系统畅通和加速冷却水的循环.Thorough cleaning of individual parts of Shandong loader cooling system, fastening and lubrication as scale cooling system may keep clean, smooth and accelerated cooling system cooling water cycle.

4.发现轮胎气压、轮胎温度过高应将车停在阴凉处降温后再继续行驶.绝不允许用放气的方法来降低装载机轮胎的气压,或用冷水浇发热的轮胎.Found that the tire pressure, tire temperature is too high should be parked in a cool place to cool down and then continue to travel. Never allow the use of air to reduce the pressure of the tire loader, or cold water poured hot tires

以上就是夏天装载机使用注意事项了,由于夏季的温度较高,我们一定注意用车安全,希望能对您有所帮助,更多内容请继续关注我们.The above is the summer Shandong loader attention, due to the high temperature in summer, we must pay attention to the safety of the car, I hope to help you, please continue to pay more attention to us .

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