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[ 发布日期:2023-01-07 15:10:28 ]    来源:永保机械    浏览:228次

装载机的潜在故障,是某些山东装载机的故障在逐渐发展中,但尚未在装载机的功能方面表现出来,而同时又接近这些故障萌发的阶段,当山东装载机的这种情况能够诊断出来时,即认为是一种出现故障的现象,并称为潜在故障。The potential fault in Shandong loader, some Shandong loader fault in the gradually development, but not in the loader function aspects, and at the same time close to the fault germination stage, when the Shandong loader can be diagnosed, that is a failure phenomenon, and said as a potential fault.

装载机厂家举例,例如山装载机的零件在疲劳破坏过程中,其裂纹的深度是逐渐扩展的,同时其深度又是可以探测的。当探测到山东装载机某些部件的裂纹扩展的深度已接近允许的临界值时,便认为是存在潜在故障,必须按实际故障一样来处理。For example, in the process of fatigue failure of the parts of the Shandong loader, the depth of the crack is gradually expanded, and the depth of the crack can be detected. When the depth of the crack extension of some parts of the Shandong loader is close to the critical value, it is considered to be a potential failure.

及时的探明了装载机的潜在故障,就有可能在小型装载机达到功能故障之前进行排除,这有利于保持山东装载机完好状态,避免由于发生功能故障而可能带来的不利后果,这在山东装载机的使用维修实际中具有重要意义。装载机厂家提醒,一定要注意好这些问题。Time proved the potential failure of Shandong loader, it is possible to exclude prior to failure in small loaders, which helps maintain the Shandong loader intact, avoid due to malfunction and the possible adverse consequences, which has important significance of loader used in Shandong maintenance practice. Loader manufacturers to remind, be sure to pay attention to these problems.

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