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[ 发布日期:2023-01-07 15:10:28 ]    来源:永保机械    浏览:567次


Always pay attention to check the functioning of the turbocharger, in front of the bus, after closing the car, check the connections of each airway tube to prevent loosening, shedding booster failure caused by a short circuit and air into the cylinder.
When the engine work, some of the oil supply turbocharger rotor bearings for lubrication and cooling. So after a long high-speed operation of the engine, can not turn off immediately.  
Due to high temperatures often in the turbocharger operation, its oil pipeline due to high temperature, internal oil prone parts of coke, this will result in insufficient lubrication of the bearing turbocharger damage. Thus, oil pipeline after running for some time to be cleaned.  
After the engine is started, especially in the winter, should be allowed to idle for a period of time to loader accessories will be in operation before the turbocharger rotor speed sufficient to allow oil-lubricated bearings. So do not start just after Meng throttle to prevent damage to the turbocharger oil seal.


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