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[ 发布日期:2023-01-07 15:10:28 ]    来源:永保机械    浏览:391次

Provincial engine maintenance costs; sound clean up frequently, to ensure that the permeability of the filter, the filter pore size of the filter can be reduced, blocking the more dust and improve the purity of the engine air intake, prolong engine life, up to 20 % the above.
2. 省人工费;不必拆装,即可对滤清器进行自动清理,从而减轻了使用者的劳动强度。
Provincial labor costs; need not removable, you can automatically clean up on the filter, thereby reducing the intensity of labor.
3. 省燃油费;有效降低进气阻力,保证发动机在高转速时的混合比,增加发动机输出功率,节省燃油3%-5%。
Provincial fuel costs; effectively reduce intake resistance, ensure that the engine at high speed mixing ratio, increasing engine output, save fuel by 3% -5%.
4. 省滤芯更换费;因工作频繁,粉尘总量保有率下降,可延长滤清器的使用寿命,节省滤清器80%,延长滤清器保养时间2-3倍,节省滤清器维护费用80%。
Provincial filter replacement costs; due to work frequently, total dust retention rate has dropped, extended filter life, saving filter 80% 2-3 times to extend the filter maintenance time, maintenance cost savings filter 80 %.
5. 防止“风枪”吹滤清器导致粉尘回流,而进入发动机,成为缸体早期磨损的隐患。
Prevent "air gun" blowing dust filters cause reflux into the engine cylinder become early wear problems.


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